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Tomorrow Energies
Team info
Energy Transition
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Tomorrow Energies


With our Local Business Approach, we enable industrial areas and local entrepreneurs to take the next step in the energy transition. By providing the legal structure and all the software and hardware to go from data to a real solution, local entities can go from idea to results in no time. We aim towards a decentralized energy management system owned and operated by local companies. We do this by reducing grid congestion, energy consumption and by investing in green energy storage, hydrogen or vehicle charging infra. Good for planet, profit and people!


One of the biggest problems with the energy transition is the current grid congestion problem. The infrastructure is not suited to handle the rapid electrification and utilization of durable energy sources. This asks for a more flexible energy management solution.


We monitor, analyse and optimize industrial energy consumption. By placing lots of monitoring devices we gain in depth knowledge ion the energy patterns of a company and are able to optimize energy consumption on a whole new level. By gaining and clustering the control of many individual assets, we can drastically influence the energy drawn from the grid. This helps companies reduce energy costs, grid operators reduce infra costs and energy companies reduce portfolio risk.

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