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UT Challenge 2024

You have the Ideas, Prototypes, Startups
We have the broad expertise, diverse network and perfect stage

Challenge yourself and your idea to reach the next level. No matter how small it may seem at the moment.

Connect. Grow. Step on stage. Win. Show what the heart and soul of the University of Twente is all about.

Because in the end. Together Everyone Achieves More.
Our stage is yours.

In close collaboration with University of Twente, Student Union, Novel-T, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management (BMS/ETM) and Designlab we are ready for the 8th edition of the UT Challenge. Many new partners have joined our network and are eager to work with UT-students on successful innovations and start-ups.

In addition to this Challenge for students at the University of Twente, the other three technical universities in the Netherlands organize similar competitions. Teams from TU Delft, WUR, TU/e, and UT get the chance to compete in the national finals of the Dutch 4TU Impact Challenge. More information about this national challenge can be read here: www.4tuimpactchallenge.nl

Why participate


Show what the heart and soul of the University of Twente is all about. Participate either alone or in a team. Create an account and start making use of the platform. Interact with the network and attend workshops with interesting guest and (Speed date) events. Pitch your idea, show off your prototype and test your business canvas with experts and potential lead customers and suppliers. Sign up now and take the next steps on your way to your entrepreneurial goals.


Besides online and offline coaching of our business network, developing your personal skills and many opportunities for networking, there are of course also great prizes to win! These may differ towards the Grand Finale but can be used as an indication for what you can expect to win. Remember: even though we have winners, there are no losers!


Around the UT Challenge timeline our partner network has the opportunity to invite you to work on a business case of their own. Helping a company find a solution is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and fresh insights. These business cases will be solved by a team of selected students within one day in an online environment or if possible at the location of the partner.


Are you looking for an internship, traineeship or perhaps a job? You can easily make this known to the diverse partner network of the UT Challenge by uploading your C.V. and sharing it directly with partners of your choice, while being notified about interesting career opportunities.