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UT Challenge 2024


Kick-Off Event
Location: Incubase Utwente Campus
15:00 - 18:30
  • Kick Off Event with participants and partners
  • Get to know your fellow competitors and coaches from the partner network
  • Learn about the do's and don'ts during the challenge

Speeddate Event
Location: DesignLab, Utwente Campus
13:15 - 17:30
  • An afternoon filled with brainstorming and coaching
  • Great opportunity to receive face to face feedback!

Grand Finale
Location De Kleine Willen - Enschede

  • During the Grand Finale the best teams will give a energetic pitch about their entrepreneurial idea or innovative prototype 
  • After the pitches, a few teams will participate in the showdown, in which the Expert Jury poses several in depth questions
  • The afternoon will end with an award ceremony and a bunch of ecstatic students!